3 Home Decor Tips that Make Your House Unique

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3 Home Decor Tips that Make Your House Unique

When it comes to home decor or home improvement, you have probably scoured through hundreds of posts on Instagram and Pinterest and archived them. We all get the obsession with an ivory living room or macrame plant hangers! Yet, when we start turning these ideas into reality, we might realize that what your home is missing is a piece of your persona. Sure, it may be totally Instagram-worthy but what makes it unique to you?

Ultimately, this space will be occupied and used mostly by you. So, it should capture a sense of who you are. Here are 3 major ways to ensure that your personality shines through in your abode:


1. Ask yourself – what am I passionate about

This is the most straightforward way to add a slice of who you are to your home’s decor. For
example, if you’re a book fanatic, you can pick out an avante-garde bookshelf of your choice. Or maybe you love exquisite candle holders! Don’t be hesitant to add these to your home.

If travel is what gets you going, you may want to include travel-related knick-knacks such as an ocean-themed tray or a corner decorated with your favorite finds from your travels, be it postcards, souvenirs, boarding passes, etc.

These are two simple examples but your creativity can come through in any way that you feel passionate about.




2. What’s the theme?

A theme in decor can bring together the entire space. So, you can try to figure out if there’s a theme to how you think. Maybe you’re a minimalist or a Type A organizer or really prefer a
contemporary touch. This can then guide your decor process.

Let’s say you are a minimalist who also prefers unique furniture or decor items. To blend these, you can pick out home accessories that are shades of a basic color like white but embellished with intricate designs such as this room divider, or this antique mirror, which adds a touch of taste and elegance to your home.

A broader theme across various elements of the house is also a well-planned decor strategy that simplifies your search for items that fit the theme.


3. Memories memories on the wall

While cliched, memories — be it photographs or videos or any remnants of time spent together with family and friends — add warmth and character to a home. A memory wall helps start conversations and is a great way for guests to get a peek into your life.

But it doesn’t need to be your typical wall with photographs. Today, digital frames allow you to keep updating photos or even add videos with music. You can also choose any other cards or souvenirs that you are comfortable displaying in the house.

These memories are unique to you and an ideal way to add your personality to your home decor!



Remember, fads are short-lived but a home should feel like your space to vibe, relax, work, and entertain. To do so, it is important to take any opportunity to add tidbits of your personality and magic to those four walls, be it your passion, a theme, or a mélange of memories!


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